Pixel Opt-Out Status
Adjafrica uses data about your browsing activity to help personalize ads and content, as described in our Pixel Privacy Terms. If you would like to opt out of the collection of browsing data via our Pixels, you can change your settings using the options below. Please be aware that this may impact Adjafrica’s ability to serve you the content and advertisements most relevant to your interests.
If you are logged in to your Adjafrica account: This opt-out setting will be associated with your account, and it will be effective across all the devices and browsers that you use to access the Adjafrica Platform.
If you don’t have an Adjafrica account or are not logged in: This setting is tied to your cookies, and will only be effective on your current device and browser. If you change your device or browser (or use multiple devices and browsers), you will need to complete the opt-out procedure for each device and browser. If you clear or delete your cookies, then your opt-out may no longer be effective, and you will need to return here to obtain your opt-out status.
For more complete details, please see our Privacy Policy and Pixel Privacy Terms.
Your Settings
You are currently logged-in.
Data collection from ADJAFRICA’s Pixels is currently off for your account.